The school’s Catholic identity is reflected in the following philosophy statement:
Mission Basilica School’s administration, faculty, and staff endorse the call of the Catholic Bishops of the United States to express their educational ministry through the objectives of personal spirituality, social justice, and a strong academic program in accord with the Curriculum Guide for Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Orange. As a Catholic academic community, we recognize the family as the primary educator of its children, and we strive to extend and support their efforts.
We nourish the continuing growth, development, and uniqueness of every student, encouraging all students to achieve their highest potential. It is the consensus of the faculty that every human being has a right to pursue knowledge corresponding with his/her dignity and God-given ability. We provide an environment where each student is given the opportunity to reach their greatest potential spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, physically, socially, and globally. Education is of the utmost importance; through education and guidance, the children of today become the Catholic citizens of tomorrow.
For more information about the historic Mission San Juan Capistrano or the Mission Basilica:
- All School Mass
- Class Retreats
- Service Projects and Outreach
- Religious School Events
- Faith Families
- Parent Prayer Group
- Mission Basilica Parish Information
- Campus Ministry
All School Mass
Class Retreats
Service Projects and Outreach
Religious School Events
Faith Families
Parent Prayer Group
Mission Basilica Parish Information
Campus Ministry